Dreams of the Machinoix Produced and Engineered by Fred Purser @ Trinity Heights

Classy, slightly bluesy post-NWOBHM fare
(Dave Ling - Rock Journalist Classic Rock- www.daveling.co.uk)

"Rainbow meets Dio for the cyber age and with songs that bear comparison with both.  The sonic landscape is superb, the performances world class and the songs equally so..."
(Andrew Paul)

"Some of the best songwriting I’ve heard from a melodic metal band in some time, every track is a winner"
(Arjen Neuer- District 666)

Dreams of the Machinoix is a rip roaring journey into hard rocking heaven and yet displays a versatility which showcases the song writing and musicianship of Messrs O’Neill, Thurlow, Verrill, Wing and Little, admirably leaving the listener gasping for more, it is a must have for anyone’s music collection and is a hard/melodic rock classic destined to be played at 11.
Vaughan Froggatt (frogblaster2016) 

Looking for excellent traditional hard rocking melodic metal? Look no further and check out the latest Lies Of Smiles album. It rocks!
(Guillaume Labrecque)

Über slick, Über classy hard rock, get behind Lies Öf Smiles, before they get behind you!
(Jessica Freeman, Sturm und Drang, Ladera Heights Los Angeles. USA)

"Not only Whitesnake fanatics should risk both ears! Every classic hard rock lover should when he wants the feel of the late 70's and early to mid 80's to burn again.
I have to mention it one more time, these lead guitars are crazy

(Hermann Furthmuller)

Brit Rock band that hit all the right spots. Expertly crafted, classic and brilliant. Imagine a world where Dio, Sabbath and Blue Oyster cult converge into one collossal meld.  You're there!

 Eva Svensson

Available Now!



Cross & Claw Produced by Fred Purser @ Trinity Heights

"Hard rock the old school way" 
(Dave Ling-Classic Rock)

Cross Claw is an adventure in hard rock a collection of tunes that opens with a subtlety and depth transcending to a melodic epiphany, Tony’s vocals outline the songs with a deepness and strength which compliment the guitars of Davy and Pat and the rhythm section of Keith and Chris perfectly, it is a worthy addition to any rockers collection proudly standing side by side with the likes of Uriah Heep’s ‘Demons and Wizards’ or Magnums’ Chase the Dragon’.
Vaughan Froggatt (frogblaster2112) 

"If the word EPIC was to be carved from 100ft high obelisks, then carried on the backs of ten thousand druidic slaves for nine hundred miles, erected at a cliff overlooking the Gobi desert and worshipped by seven million onlookers, then that might get close to a suitable phrase to describe Cross & Claw. This CD has lifted the bar so high for “local bands” (North East and in fact the metal community of bands UK) they must have looked up shook their collective heads and had a bit of a cry! Awesome! 
(Andy Newsome)

"I have sailed the metal seas and come to the holy city of Lies of Smiles, this is it,
this is the metal grail, on your feet or on your surely damned knees!"
(Jess Freeman, Sturmfront)

"Pure, steel/rock precision"
(Jake Castillo, Metalhawk)

"absolutely traditional in style but catchy as hell with shredding lead guitars and heartfilled crooning"
(Sir Lord Doom, Hellion) 

 "Tower of Angels is lyrically vast and highly figurative - the dream is of gods and angels - a boys' own melodic voyage in a thunderous guitar universe."
(Peter Innes - AllGigs UK) 

Guest appearance from Mick Tucker (Tank/White Spirit)
Courtesy of Metal Minded Records

Lies Cover Artwork
Designed by Tony Hodsoll 

 "Sirius still glitters as the blazing star, the guardian and guide of our souls. Her ancient, hidden plan to bring her children into a new dawn is nearing completion. As the Earth passes into a new age of heavenly alignment, the halls of power beneath her radiant form will ring to her sacred song, and those who seek to walk within her temples, will either join in chorus, or pass from within her walls..."


Cross & Claw now Sold out


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© Can Stock Photo Inc. / tolokonov
© Can Stock Photo Inc. / rolffimages

© Can Stock Photo Inc. / rolffimages
© Can Stock Photo Inc. / cynoclub



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